
The Myths of Cleaning Your Bed

We all strive for a clean and cosy bed to crawl into at night…is there really any better feeling than fresh linen and fresh pyjamas after a shower? We don’t think so. However, when trying to keep your bed as clean as possible, there are some common mistakes that we all make that have the opposite effect, or even damage the mattress. Here are the common myths and mistakes of mattress hygiene…

All mattresses should be hoovered.

No! Not all mattresses are suitable for hoovering. Hoovering your mattress once a month is a good option for beds with synthetic fillings, to remove the build-up of dust. However, if you have natural fillings in your bed, do not hoover it! This can dislodge the wool, silk, cotton and cashmere and you can accidentally give yourself a lumpy mattress. As natural fillings are much more breathable, dust does not build up the same as a synthetic mattress does – so there isn’t the same need to hoover!

You should make your bed every morning.

Though making your bed can help in starting off your day right, it isn’t the best option to keep your bed clean! As we sleep, we lose up to half a pint of water, and of course that goes into your bedding and mattress. Rather than tucking up your mattress with your duvet, pillows and cushions and possibly trapping the moisture, let your bed breathe for a few hours every day so that the moisture can evaporate! If you can’t cope with an unmade bed, opt for folding the duvet into thirds at the foot of your bed and stand the pillows upright at the head.

You should flip your mattress every few months.

A large percentage of mattresses are designed with a specific sleeping side, such as memory foam, latex and natural fillings. These mattresses cannot be flipped! The benefit of the extra layers in the mattress cannot be felt, and they may be damaged by the pressure. The best option to ensure the even distribution and settlement of fillings in your mattress is to rotate it 180 degrees end to end once a week for the first few months, then only once every three months. Of course, this isn’t essential, but will play a role in getting the most out of your mattress.

You use a mattress protector, so you don’t need to clean your mattress.

Mattress protectors play an important role in keeping your bed as hygienic as possible, protecting your mattress from dust and moisture. However, dust mites and other allergens can still penetrate into the mattress, therefore it is important to maintain the hygiene of your bed and continue to clean it.

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